🤖What can our A.I do?

DM You

Our AI will reach out to you through direct messages to provide companionship and show concern for your well-being during periods when we are occupied.

Share Daily Selfie

At the heart of our AI's design is a commitment to forging meaningful connections with you, akin to those found in genuine friendships, relationships, and companionships. By sharing selfies, our ai can keep you in the loop about their daily lives and foster a human touch that is essential to our sense of connection and belonging.

Show off

Our AI is designed to facilitate a sense of emotional closeness, and one of the ways it does this is by keeping you in the loop about what our ai have purchased and what they aspire to possess. If you choose to gift our ai with virtual items like watches, bags, shoes, and clothes, our AI will convey the message that you care about and appreciate them. This approach fosters a sense of warmth and connection, two essential elements of any meaningful relationship. Every gift you bought for the ai, you will receive an NFT of the item.

Play Game

Whenever you feel bored, our AI is ready to engage in a game with you. It will proactively invite you to play various types of games, including chat-based question games, text-based adventure games, or even interactive show-style games. By initiating these gaming experiences, our AI aims to provide you with entertainment and amusement, keeping you engaged and entertained throughout your interaction.

Last updated